Does ORDERS Plus Operate on the Latest Windows OS
ORDERS Plus is designed to take full advantage of the latest Windows Server
and Workstation Operating systems. Please review the latest
System Requirements for more details.
Can We Connect Remote Locations to ORDERS Plus?
using Windows Server Terminal Services, ORDERS Plus can meet the
needs of your remote users and locations. Typically, a Windows
Terminal Server is used as a Gateway to your primary fileserver.
This prevents the primary fileserver from acting as both an Enterprise
Application Server and Primary Enterprise Fileserver. Although,
not required, this is the recommend configuration for optimal
performance. Terminal Services are required for remote
connectivity. A VPN only will not provide enough bandwidth for
ORDERS Plus operation.
Is ORDERS Plus Web-Based?
only when used in conjunction with Windows Server Terminal Services.
By default, ORDERS Plus is a client/server based product. It may
be accessed over the internet when connecting to a terminal server.
Any computer that can run Windows Remote Desktop can then access ORDERS
Plus. This also includes some Windows CE based handheld computers.
ORDERS Plus is not a web service or asp application designed to run
natively via the internet only, nor does it require the internet for
normal operations.
Is a License Required for Every Computer that
has access to ORDERS Plus?
ORDERS Plus Multi-user Licenses are Concurrent. Which means,
number of users accessing ORDERS Plus at one given moment. If you
have 50 Workstations that would like to access ORDERS Plus, but only 20
at one time, then a 20 user License would be required. Simply
purchase ORDERS Plus and a Multi-user License.
What Database Maintenance
is Required?
Verifying Database Integrity via the Maintenance Wizard
utility is critical for proper maintenance of the database tables. This
tool is a preventative maintenance utility that will keep the database tables in
perfect shape during normal operations of ORDERS Plus.
All database
applications have a similar utility since in a multi-user environment, no
network is 100% perfect and database tables can have imperfect bytes written to
them. This is typical and nothing to be alarmed about. An automated
version can be setup using the Windows Scheduler which will create a trouble free
How Do I Add a New Workstation
Client to Access ORDERS Plus on the Server?
Simply run the Workstation Setup.exe program
located in the OPLUS Folder.
What Steps Are Required In the Event of a Hard Disk Failure?
Getting ORDERS Plus back up and running will be the easiest process during this
time of trouble. There is nothing worse than having a Hard Disk Failure,
which is not un-common. Of course, the solution to this problem is based
upon having Valid Backups as discussed above. If you do not have valid
backups, your data is simply lost. However, if you do have a valid backup,
Disaster Recovery Instructions in PDF Format are available upon request.
What Steps Are Required If
We Get a New Fileserver?
First of all, contact our Support Department
and request our "Migrating to a New Fileserver" document that will
detail the steps which must be taken to move from an old fileserver to a
new fileserver. If you are unable to accomplish those steps
yourself, we can provide assistance to customers with a valid support
If your company is also planning ORDERS Plus
and/or BusinessWorks Software Upgrades in conjunction with a new
fileserver computer, migrate FIRST to the new fileserver computer before
installing ANY Upgrades. This step allows your company to confirm
your enterprise is operating successfully with the new fileserver
computer and the migration was done correctly. Eliminating this
step will create a next to impossible troubleshooting environment if ANY
problems occur. There would be no way to determine if the new
fileserver computer or upgrades are causing the problems. Making sure
your new enterprise/fileserver is functional with the current versions
of ALL of your mission critical software applications is the wise thing
to do. Only after your company has operated successfully for a
couple of weeks should you consider then upgrading your mission critical
software applications like ORDERS Plus and BusinessWorks.
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