Are Backorders Automatically Created?
Yes, if a
Customer Orders 1000 Widgets and you only have 900 in stock, you can
immediately partial ship the 900, which will automatically generate an
invoice, and then either automatically create a Special or Drop Ship PO
for the remaining balance or automatically create stock purchase orders
to build up stock based upon your re-order and min/max quantities
defined for inventory stock items.
Can ORDERS Plus Manage RMAs?
special functionality is available in Order Entry, Invoicing and
Purchasing modules that will allow you to issue an RMA to your customer,
then upon receipt, issue a credit invoice and issue the RMA Purchase
Order back to the vendor.
Can Users Check Inventory Availability and
Pricing without entering the Inventory module?
ORDERS Plus has a Stock Check button available on every screen in the
system. This provides immediate response to your customer while on
the phone. Items can be located by either partial match to the
Item#, Vendor Item# Cross Referencing or 3 Level Relational Categories.
Complete descriptions, pricing and ability to view related documentation
is available with a simple click of the mouse.
Can ORDERS Plus Email Quotes, Orders, Invoices
and Purchase Orders?
ORDERS Plus is designed to work with Microsoft Outlook and can easily
email transaction forms to your customer or vendor. A simple click
of the mouse will automatically generate an Email for the Customer or
Vendor and attach the Quote, Order, Invoice or Purchase Order as a PDF
document to the email. You can add any comments and press the send
button. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3.
How Does ORDERS Plus Manage Commissions?
Plus calculates commissions to sales reps based upon inventory items
sold using Commission Types assigned to individual or groups of
inventory items.
Commission Types determine different commission percentages that will be
paid to salespeople. ORDERS Plus provides the flexibility to assign up
to three commission factors for each Commission Type, rather than a
commission based on the entire sale or the specific sales person. This
creates a matrix commission based upon the sales representative and the
profitability of an item.
By creating Commission Types, each inventory item can have its own
unique commission structure. This allows inventory items with a higher
markup percentage to accommodate a larger commission, while inventory
items with a lower markup percentage accommodate a lower commission.
Commission Reports can be based upon Percentage of Sale Price or Profit.
Of course, ORDERS Plus supports less complex commission structures as
Can ORDERS Plus Process Credit Cards?
Yes, the
ORDERS Plus Credit Card Processing module allows the user to
automatically process Credit Card sale transactions from a Sales Order
or Invoice.
Select Here for more information.
How Much Transaction History is Kept in ORDERS
Unlimited. That is the power of ORDERS Plus. All Quote,
Order Entry, Invoicing, Purchasing and Production History is kept. The phrase "Information is Power" applies
to ORDERS Plus. After using for a couple of years, you'll be
amazed at the information that is available with 2 clicks of a mouse.
You also have the option to purge old quote and order entry data.
ORDERS Plus Print Mailing Labels?
Yes. Mailing Labels
can be printed based upon any amount of user criteria, sales information
and categories assigned to Customers, Prospects and Vendors.
Will ORDERS Plus Notify if a Customer is On-Hold
or has reached their Credit Limit?
Yes, if
any transaction is attempted to be processed or created and that
Customer's Credit Limit has been exceeded or the Customer is on Credit
Hold, the user will be automatically notified. (Credit Limited Exceeded
Feature Only Available w/Integrated Financials)
Can We Add Line Items Using a Vendor's Item#?
ORDERS Plus supports the ability to cross-reference to a Vendor's Item#
during line item entry and using the stock check feature.
Can We Add Line Items Using Inventory
ORDERS Plus supports the ability to define 3 different categories to
each Inventory Item. During all Inventory Lookups, Inventory can
be located using the 3 Level Drill Down Categories defined.
Can We Add Line Items Using a Customer Item#?
ORDERS Plus supports the ability to associate a Customer's Item# to an
inventory item and then cross reference to the ORDERS Plus Item during
Line Item Entry. Not to mention, the Customer's Item# will also
print out on all pick tickets, packing slips and invoices. You can
even print custom bar-code labels that can be affixed to the items
before they are shipped.
Does ORDERS Plus Have The Ability To Audit User
ORDERS Plus keeps track of detailed user activities like login, editing
and deleting records. Inventory Adjustments are also tracked in
Can User Access Be Restricted to Certain Functionality
within ORDERS Plus?
ORDERS Plus has one of the most comprehensive Role Based Access Right
Management Systems in this marketplace.
Can Sales Reps Be Denied Access To Other Sales
Rep's Accounts?
Yes, an
ORDERS Plus Sales Rep User can be defined to only allow access to their
own Customer and Prospect Information.
Can We Bill One Company and Ship To Another?
ORDERS Plus supports the ability to change the shipping location on the
fly. If you will ship to the other location more than once, it can
be added as a secondary ship to location for that customer and be
automatically selected during the creation of a new transaction.
ORDERS Plus supports the ability to maintain an unlimited amount of
other locations associated with a customer.
Can ORDERS Plus Manage Standard Recurring
ORDERS Plus supports the ability to duplicate any transaction that is in
the system. This means if an Customer always places a similar
order, you can select the old order and duplicate it by a simple click
of the mouse. Once the new transaction has been duplicated,
changes can be made.
Does ORDERS Plus Integrate with EDI?
ORDERS Plus does not currently support any EDI interface. EDI
orders are simply entered into the system manually.
ORDERS Plus Suitable for a Retail POS Environment?
That depends. ORDERS
Plus is not best for a classic retail environment in which your primary
income comes from people walking into your store, purchasing a $1.00
widget and walking out. However, ORDERS Plus is well suited for
companies that have some walk in traffic since it supports the use
of a cash drawer and has a special POS line item entry mode that will
determine amount tendered. Most POS systems have basic Inventory
Control and Order Processing functionality, that's where ORDERS Plus has it's
strength. If your overall walk-in cash revenue, not including
walk-in customers with net terms, represents 10-15%
of your total revenue with the balance consisting of mail order and/or
distribution income, ORDERS Plus should be strongly considered.
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