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Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable efficiently manages your company's expenditures, saving you time and money.

Accounts Payable stores, sorts and organizes vendor information and transactions.  It then uses the information to produce a wide range of reports including graphical reports, which present you with three dimensional representations.

Accounts Payable tracks your open invoices so you can easily discern how old they are, displaying the amount of cash required to pay the invoices, and suggesting the best day to pay each invoice.


You can also use Accounts Payable to take advantage of any early-payment discounts offered to your company. It can be set up to make automated invoice payments prior to the discount expiration dates, saving you money.  And when you set up cash accounts in Cash Management, Accounts Payable updates these accounts with check information so you can accurately reconcile your accounts.


General Features

  • Provides current and calculated balances for all A/P cash accounts

  • Provides instant inquiry of vendor information including invoices, debit memos, credit memos and application of open credits while in any processing option

  • Automatically posts to General Ledger

Maintenance Features

  • G/L expense, accounts payable and discount accounts can be defined on a vendor-by-vendor basis

  • Optionally includes credit detail on accounts payable checks

  • Optionally prints one check for each invoice paid

  • Supports printing checks on a dot matrix or laser printer

  • Allows flexible payment terms, including number of days, day of month, end of month and end of next month

  • Payment terms can be maintained and assigned to a vendor or determined during invoice entry

Processing Features

  • Provides full bank reconciliation that includes the ability to clear a range of checks

  • Tracks credit card purchases and purchase history when a credit card is used to pay a vendor.

  • Lets specific vendors and/or invoices be placed on payment hold

  • Allows automatic distribution of invoices to multiple accounts via expense allocation tables

  • Tracks discount dates, amounts and due dates

  • Ability to set up recurring accounts payable invoices

  • Tracks vendor credits as open credits or as negative invoices

  • Prepaid invoices can be entered with check information

  • Allows invoices to be automatically or manually selected for payment


  • Allows partial payment of invoices

  • Allows entry of handwritten checks

  • Generates checks with either detailed or summary payment stubs

  • Allows check printing for vendors and non-vendors without posting an invoice

  • Tracks wasted checks

  • Allows checks to be voided individually or as part of a range

  • Non-vendor checks may be reprinted

Reporting Capabilities

  • Prints 1099 MISC forms

  • Aging periods are user-defined

  • Aging and open invoice reports can be produced "as of" any date

  • Prints the aging report by invoice date or due date

Related Applications
Financial Summary
General Ledger
Accounts Receivable
Payroll & HR Management

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